Eva Johnson 5 min read



Adrenal Fatigue happens as a result of chronic stress without relief, and is characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, mood swings, insulin resistance, blood sugar swings, decreased sex drive, insomnia, increased susceptibility to colds and flu, and worsening PMS or menopausal symptoms.

These are just a few of the signs that you might have imbalanced stress hormone levels.

Cortisol, our main adrenal hormone, is typically referred to as our “stress hormone”—and it can get a bad rap and while we don’t want it to be super elevated for prolonged periods of time, it’s also not great for it to get overtly low.

Cortisol (along with melatonin) are one of the primary hormones that establishes our circadian rhythm and or sleep and wake cycle. We want to see cortisol to spike highest within the first 30 minutes of opening your eyes in the morning, and then to gradually taper off over the course of the day, hitting its lowest point in the evening when we naturally fall asleep.

Cortisol is essential to maintain body tissues, provide energy, put out inflammation, and to serve other vital metabolic functions.

We can get in to trouble when we keep giving our body the message to pump out high levels of cortisol all the time. These high levels of cortisol can contribute to: Imbalanced female hormones Increased rates of depression Increased fat storage, especially spare tire Lower thyroid hormone function and production Overall tissue breakdown and poor repair of injuries And those are just to name a few…

We can test your adrenals, and when the levels of adrenal hormones glands are consistently above or below the optimal ranges, or, when the daily circadian rhythm is doing something other than it should be, is when we know your adrenals need help.

Adrenal Fatigue is measurable and fixable!